Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Days 3 &4... Energy? Where'd that come from?

The past two days have gone really well. Still eatin' healthy and feeling good! And I'm noticing something new... I have ENERGY! I walked up flights of stairs that I always walk up and didn't feel like passing out! I don't feel tired all the time, and I always want to do stuff! And I'm not even working out yet. Just eating the right foods has really changed the way I feel already, and it's only day 4. I've dieted before and felt this... but it just feels different this time. It feels... permanent? Like I won't go back to the way I felt before. Maybe that's referred to as "motivation"!

Tomorrow morning after I drop Allie off at the groomer (a NEW groomer, fingers crossed that I like this one!) I am going to the gym to do some cardio. And I actually feel excited about it. I'm supposed to be walking 10,000 steps a day and since I've just been sitting at home studying for finals... I am no where near 10,000! For instance, my pedometer right now says 1,041! That is definitely not enough. I know if I were working it would be better but I've just been sitting home cramming for tests.

Today we did a conference call with Dr. Roizen. He is Dr. Oz's partner and they wrote the book YOU on a Diet together! (go buy it right now, it's fabulous!) He is a really nice guy! We have to email him everyday with what we eat and how many steps we've taken. Once a week we have to email him our waist size and weight. This is a great way to keep us on track! I'm excited to weigh myself on Sunday... ok fine, I "cheated" and weighed myself today and I'm already doing great! But, I'm going to wait till Sunday to make it official... can't trust the scale day to day. I learned that the hard way in the past!

Ok, back to the books. Only a few more days left and I'm officially done. Tomorrow is Gym Day 1! Can't wait!


  1. Woo-hoo! You've inspired me. I've started eating healthier as of today.

  2. That's awesome Jenn! I'm so glad I inspired someone! Hey, some of the girls are having trouble posting comments on here and you seem to be doing fine lol is there any special trick to get it to work right??

  3. Yay!! I'm so proud of you! Keep it up. It's amazing how great you feel when you become healthier! I ran over the Brooklyn bridge this morning and it was awesome! My boss told me this Kate Moss quote yesterday "Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels." It's kind of a disgusting quote, but it's also kinda true. Anyway I love you and I'm rootin' for ya! Let me know as soon as you know when it airs. Everyone wants to watch!

    -Kristina LaF
